Journal Entry 01/05/2013

Rifle: CZ 452 American 17Hm2

Scope: Weaver V16 4-16x42AO

Ammo: Eley 17gr.

 I’m just going to briefly discuss the morning “hunt”. It was more to walk some land my Daddy is looking at purchasing. We got there @ 8am. I brought my CZ 452 American #2. Kevin brought Tank, and Daddy had Boo. We only shook out 2 squirrels, but they had action plans in place that allowed them to escape our gunfire unscathed. I shook the first squirrel out in a low nest about 20 feet up on the side of a pine tree. The squirrel came out blazing and made it to a holey tree without a shot fired. I shook the nest again to see if any more inhabitants, when that happened that squirrel came out of the holey tree and into a poplar with a nest and into it he went. Kevin shook this nest, he came back out and back into the holey tree where I was waiting to fire a shot. When he came into my scope I fired a shot, but only striking the tree.

 On to the afternoon. Brad and I again over at Stacey’s. Started on the pond side again, and didn’t see squirrels till we made it to the bottom. We tried to sneak in on them and could have made some quick shots that would have resulted in misses. All these squirrels ended up making us and running away.

 Our plan was to circle back around to the big dip up by the trailers. When we made it up there we were walking by the brush piles slowly, and a squirrel popped out of a sweetgum tree into the giant hickory that I’ve taken squirrels out of before. It took a minute or two for Brad to find where the squirrel was, and then additional time to choose a tree to post up on. As Brad moved the squirrel countered. When he had almost made it to the tree he would shoot from, another squirrel in that tree moved. He ran out on a branch and flattened himself out, as so to hide. Brad made an excellent head shot on his squirrel while I filmed. He then came to film me taking the other.

 I made my shot with my stix (Read more about my favorite stix here). Powered up all the way to 16, and PL’d down to a little over 30 yards. Brad almost called the yardage as he said 35 yards. I brought my crosshairs up this time instead of settling them from the top, which made me want to rush the shot. I slowed myself down, exhaled and reminded myself to press the trigger. When I did I made a neck shot that knocked the squirrel out of the tree.

 That’s how we finished up, just 2 for the day. It was a cold morning, maybe 27 degrees but a nice afternoon in the low 50’s.

 17hm2's 01-05-13

Shot’s taken by myself: 1 ( not including the morning shot)

Squirrels taken by myself: 1

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