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the SK Subsonic HP shoots as well as Wolf MT out of my CZ’s, so I use those. Love the video,as far as the Feddersen’s I stick with Center-X. Saw my first fox squirrel coming back from Hatteras, in Edgecombe county off hwy. 64 west at the base of a big pine tree, that thing was huge. Are you shooting hot rounds? My suppressed CZ sounds like a pellet gun, it don’t have that bullwhip pop to it. Yea boy, love the video, real good for a cold, windy, rainy day like today. I might try it awhile tomorrow, not seeing any deer yet. Yall keep up the good work, I enjoy it……….My enlistment has no expiration date R.R. U.S.M.C. 71-72
The suppressed sound coming trough the camera speaker is a little distorted and some of the pop is due to the heavy foliage keeping the sound from leaving the woods.
The further adventures of Nate and Brad, always entertaining and informative. Well done as usual fellows.